Badge Reels

Badge reels provide comfort and functionality so you can carry your badge while having easy access to readers and scanning devices. They are designed so as not to interfere with work or endanger the safety of workers. Badge rolls come in different shapes and sizes, but their basic design is the same: when you pull on the wire, it rolls out. When it lets go, it locks in again and remains firmly pressed against the roller housing. Badge credentials are unique in that they display and remove attached badges and make them readily available for use with card readers. If you are part of an organization, the access cards such as proximity cards or smart cards are used, an is a badge reel an excellent solution. Instead of releasing the cardholder, you can simply pull the card out of the roll, wipe it and let it go - and then watch it snap back in!


Roller badge holder with belt clip
Roller badge holder with belt clip
1,10 € - 1,95 € * (Net 0,92 € - 1,64 €)
Retractable name badge with clip
Retractable name badge with clip
2,20 € - 3,50 € * (Net 1,85 € - 2,94 €)
Key-Bak S48 key reel
Key-Bak S48 key reel
15,95 € * (Net 13,40 € )
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